Friday, July 04, 2008

First week finished....

Well, we're one week down having finished the teaching for the first week. It's been an extremely full schedule, but we've had a great time bonding with our students. We have fallen in love with them. They're GREAT! Josh and I are in amazement at how quickly they have caught on to the vision Impact World Tour. A lot of paradigms have shifted and God has really been moving in their hearts and challanging each one of them in various areas. There is a real excitement and buzz in the classroom which makes things easy.

Moses and Joanna, the Directors of IWT Korea, are precious people, they really carry Gods heart for this nation, and are doing a great job spearheading the "new thing" that is hapening.

Looking forward to a day of rest. Next week will be even more intense with Mark Anderson coming in.

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