Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Chicken Soup...kind of

Yesterday was the traditional 2nd hottest day of the year. In Korea, they celebrate this "hot day" like a holiday of sorts. In honor of this holiday, Koreans prepare a "wonderful dish". A chicken soup of sorts. Now when you think about it, eating soup on a hot day is not the smartest idea in the book - but then again Koreans eat some sort of soup everyday and in my experience it is hot almost everyday. Go figure.

So, at dinner time, the entire university body lined up outside the dinning hall early in anticipation of this "wonderful dish". Josh and I stood in the sun with the rest of our students, and began to get really excited about the chicken. Now, please note we have not eaten chicken since arriving in Korea (this is due to the threat of bird flue). When we got inside this is what was served.

Despite how it looks, it tasted just like Campbell's Chicken and Rice Soup out of can. We just had to pull the chicken off the bones! Can you believe over 400 people were served and entire chicken, not counting those that went back for seconds!

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