Sunday, July 27, 2008

Back in South Korea

After a very long couple of days of travel, I (Misty) have arrived back in Jeju Island. It is wonderful to be back together with Josh and great to be back on campus with our students. Our students have been so welcoming and keep commenting that Josh looks much happier now that I am back:> This morning we started the week with campus wide worship, and I have to say it was great to be with people that are totally different than you, yet have the same heart to worship THE KING.

Yesterday, Josh and I decided to try and fight jet lag and went on a little hiking excursion to Sunset Peak. Sunset Peak is a volcanic crater right by the sea. Of course by the time we got there it was the hottest time of the day with about 100% humidity. These two facts alone almost made me chicken out, until I saw a few Koreans hiking the crater with umbrella's held high to protect themselves from the sun (they take sun protection very seriously here - the lowest Sun Screen protection we could find was rated SPF 47). So after lathering up in sun screen, loading up with two large bottles of water, and caring our umbrella up we climbed the crater. I have to be honest and say I have not sweat that much in ages. Here are a few pics - it really was quite beautiful....

Us at pre-climbing Sunset Peak

The volcanic crater

The view from the top - supposedly you can see Japan from here...on a clear day.

The umbrella was a brilliant idea.

The Volcanic Landscape of Jeju

1 comment:

Rosie said...

Great to see you guys reunited. Well done on climbing the big hill, complete with umbrella!! Love the new blog header:-) Take care. Love Rosiex