Thursday, March 08, 2007

Camping equals Food and Shopping an Experience with God.

Well lets just get this out in the open - New World grocery store is the best grocery store in New Zealand. For all of those Pack-N-Save fans, I understand it really is cheaper....but when you want to buy American products in a pleasant atmosphere complete with shopping hostesses, New World is the only place to go.

Josh and I are heading out into the wild tomorrow for a weekend of camping before fall sets in for real, so of course I had to run by the store to pick up some camping food. Josh was up in Whangarei (he caught the early morning flight) to pick up a car for IWT, leaving me to prepare for camping. For those of you who know us, I am not really camping experienced, so you can laugh at that idea. All I really know is, if you have food everything will be alright.

I had just left a really good prayer meeting at THOP, were I was really connecting with I thought I would ask him which grocery store to go to to catch some sales. Normally I would have headed to Pack-N-Save because it is cheap but I felt like New World was the go. I thought, hey even if things are not on sale at least i will have an enjoyable shopping experience. Much to my delight though, I really did hear God on this little trivial detail called grocery shopping. It blew me away too because God did it just to show me he cared.

I had a short list of the basics and then was just going to walk the isles to see what I could buy to cook for Josh that would bless him. As I went through the list, I realized that everything on my list was on sale. I mean it everything, even the bread. After I got through the list I started thinking about Josh's favorite foods, lamb, certain types of granola bars, stuff for homemade lasagna. Not kidding you, I walked to the isle and said, ok God if you are just wanting to show me how much you love me by putting everything I want on sale....let lamb be on sale, let those granola bars be on sale, let cottage cheese be on sale. It was all on sale. So, it was amazing. I totally met God while grocery shopping. So all you mom's out there(aka Anna Rikiriki) be encouraged. You can meet God at New World too!


Anonymous said...

Hey! Love the new look!
I too love New World. Don't go there much cause as you said Pac N Save is usually cheaper overall, but I will agree, New World does has some really good sales and if you do Fly By's you can get them at New World. I love it when God meets us in everyday life. Something I've been learning a lot over the last year! :)

ariki said...

Hey wow, what an awesome story! Thanks Misty. Loved catching up with Joshie on Friday, he really is guys are just such a perfect team. Hope you're having a GREAT weekend!!!!! We'll come and stay soon!