Sunday, February 11, 2007

44 Hours!

Today, Monday, February 12, 2007 is a very exciting day in our corner of New Zealand too. Today, the Tauranga House of Prayer has extending its hours of operation! Today marks the first day that we will have continuous prayer for eight hours a day….which is awesome! We have officially added two new time two hour prayer meetings a day, which moves the number of hours of prayer to 44 hours a week plus community teaching sessions. Isn’t that exciting, for 44 hours the staff here is joining in with the cries of God’s heart, asking for a breakthrough in this city, the country, and the nations of the world. May Satan and his workers get no rest as the prayers of the saints arise!


ariki said...

I am SOOOO looking forward to being with everyone on the weekend and catching up on everything!!!!!! Yipee! Exciting times!

Anonymous said...

I'm really excited to hear about everything that's happening in Tauranga! Praise God! It's really awesome! You can feel something when you drive into the city, we felt that the other day when we came over! Your faith level just increases immediately! Bless you guys!

Esther Irwin said...

Hi Misty,
have they found a new place yet? Trying to find a time I can come back for a longer time of prayer.