Sunday, October 29, 2006

Curry, Lemons, and a Computer Geek

Well we’re into another week here! Aaron left us on Friday night, after an incredible week with the students and even some people from the local churches who heard word of what was happening, and wanted to come and sit in. Jenny Mollison is up this week, so it should be good.

On Friday lunch time we had the most amazing chicken curry with Roti, made especially for us by an Indian lady named Kathy, who was blessed by Aaron during the week and wanted to feed us. It was the real deal!

Josh and I had a very relaxing weekend hanging out at home….with the 27 DTS students living above us. Since getting married I have been on this quest to become a good cook and having 27 hungry teenagers living above us, 7 Fijian students with larger than average appetites in class, and at least one guest with us at all time, is as good an excuse as any to cook. This weekend I got inspired to do some baking, and a couple hours later we had white and dark chocolate chip cookies and a banana cake complete with lemon icing. Making Lemon icing with lemons straight off the tree from the backyard was a new experience.

The best news of the week so far, is that it looks like Josh’s computer will be ready to pick up this afternoon according the Vijay, the local HP geek! So we’re crossing our fingers…..

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