Thursday, October 04, 2007

Hospital Take Over

Hey, Josh here this time! Yeah bummer about the accident yesterday. I slept most of the day as I was out on some pretty heavy drugs! The nurse had to give me an injection in my bum....first time I've had anything like that, not too much fun let me tell you. My Pulse/blood pressure went very low as I was in some sort of shock. Anyway....they stitched me up, and I'm feeling pretty good today, can bend my elbow, but not too far. The wound was about an inch deep and an inch wide.

The funniest part about it was when my Dad fainted in the hospital after seeing my open wound, hitting his head on the wall beside the hospital bed and almost taking down the drip system that I was attached too. The doctor had to stop taking care of me to make sure Dad was OK, he came off lightly with a small cut to the forehead and a bit of a bruise. Within seconds he had taken up the space on the adjacent hospital bed, yep the Coles had taken over Suva Private Hospital!

Yesterday one of our skaters injured his foot badly during a show and a girl on the tech team took a heavy knock to her knee. Pray for protection and safety!

Last night was a great night here in Suva with 788 people making decisions to give their lives to Jesus! Praise God! It's so awesome to be back here in Fiji being apart of what God is doing in the Islands of the South Seas!

Will keep you posted.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, we'll be praying for a great recovery. I laughed too when your mom told me about your Dad fainting (she laughed when she told me so I didn't feel bad for laughing :). Good on ya for soldiering on! We're looking forward to having Misty for dinner on Tuesday! PRaise God for everything that's happening there, we are so excited to hear about everything!!!!