Saturday, July 14, 2007

Refreshment is…..

Refreshment is going on long walks along the lake front in the sunshine, taking in the beautiful views of a gigantic lake, exercising until I’m sore, reading a novel while sitting in the winter sunshine in the garden, cooking with the other wives, and then waking up the next day and doing it again. At least that is what it has looked like the last few days for me. It is amazing to actually feel my brain relax a bit. I have to be honest and say, I’m not sure I like my brain relaxing….I like to be busy all the time, but it defiantly an interesting feeling.

Early tomorrow morning Josh and I are headed back to Tauranga, and Marty and Candice head back to America. It will be full on as soon we get home, as friends are coming for lunch. Hopefully we will get one last blast up the Mount before the weekend is officially over and Fiji becomes all consuming.

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