Sunday, July 01, 2007

Rain Rain Go Away!

It is now Sunday night and I can now official say "we have had the worst weather all weekend long", allthough I must acknowledge that rain is a blessing. Weekends tend to be our time to enjoy the outdoors, our friends, and Josh's family. However, minus Friday night (where we ventured out of our house to have a blast celebrating Aaron's 31st Birthday with the Walsh's) this weekend was doomed by rain. I didn't even leave the house on Saturday. Now that is just not like me! It has been raining nonstop since Friday morning, and it looks like at least the first few days of this week will be the same.

To pass the rainy days we have been doing lots of inside things. Josh and I happen to be numbered in the 11% of people (I found this fact on an online survey on who love enjoying puzzles. So this rainy weekend, out came the puzzles we bought on our honeymoon from the Ken Duncan Photography gallery (the is the photographer behind the movie "THE PASSION". Besides that, meal planning, recipe searching, a movie, streaming IHOP for hours on end, grocery shopping, and church filled the days. Oh well, I am guessing lots of people in Tauranga had such a weekend.

One impressive thing did happen this weekend though. When Josh and I got to church, the worship was really good. It was very encouraging, anointed and refreashing. A little Asian man was leading and the spirit of God was moving. I hope that was happening all over the city.

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