Saturday, April 21, 2007

We've got the Kids!

Yesterday, Dave and Sue, Josh's parents left for the YWAM Proclaim Conference in Sydney, Australia. They will be gone for a week, so Alana and Deborah have come to live with us for a week. We picked them up last night, and have had a great time so far.

In the afternoon Josh caught a massive fish when he was kyaking down at the Mount. So after we picked up the Alana and Deborah, the first thing we did was cook up yummy, super fresh BBQ fish dinner for the girls and Hans and Ula. A game of Balderdash was in order after that, so you can imagine the laughs. The evening was completed with a Alana's special chocolate brownie dessert. They rival Betty Crocker boxed brownies for sure. I have decided I need to get the recipe because Betty Crocker Brownies cost 5 bucks a box here. They are imported, what can I say!

On other notes, Lisa had been really sick. She caught the flu and it really messed with her diabetes. She ended up in hospital most of the week, and just got out Friday night for our goodbye dinner for Grampe. She still isn't doing to hot, so keep her in your prayers.

1 comment:

ariki said...

GO MISTY! Hope you have a wonderful week and don't have to do too much driving around! Will be a great break for the girls too ;)