Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Kids and the Army

Over the weekend and pretty much every afternoon and evening, a new trend has begun to occur at 55 Lovoni Road. Around 4 pm kids begin to come to hang out with the DTS teams, enjoy food, and hopefully get a little closer to Jesus.

It’s a bunch of kids getting together, so most of the time there are fun sports and games going on in the yard. Here is a pictures of the kids doing what they do. Our driveway is now a skate park…but hey, at least there are no pot holes!

This morning, Josh and I jumped in a Taxi ( it was a nice taxi and complete with island chill out music playing the background) and headed to the office. We had to drive right past the army base....and boy was it busy. We passed two platoons walking down the road with huge guns, a large bus filled with army personell in full uniform, and a truck filled with soliders headed somewhere.

At first we thought, something must have happend at the meeting between the Army Commander and Prime Minister yesterday at the meeting. But after a quick scan of the news we discovered that was not it. So it is a big mystery....hopefully it is nothing.....but totally pray!

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