Monday, March 30, 2009

Got to love these days.

Emerging after the Unrelenting Conference (which was a great success - let us know if you want to hear more about it), Josh and I took a very well deserved day off. Nothing is better than a day off, especially when you really need it. After a late start and breakfast over our favorite TV show "Iron Chef America", we headed to the beach. The weather has been glorious the last few days and we are attempting to squeeze as much outdoor time before the time change on Sunday.

After hanging out there for awhile, Josh met up with some friends armed with fishing poles and kayaks. You can probably guess what happened next. The boys went out around the Mount and I went up it. It was beautiful, and I could actually watch the guys kayaking while I was climbing. When we met back up a couple hours later, Josh had big fish to show for his efforts! I love that we live in a place where you can catch your own dinner! What a blessing!

Then it was off to a some friends place for an evening of pancakes and fun. Chocolate chip pancakes, blueberry pancakes, chunky monkey pancakes, and of course buttermilk pancakes...we ate them all. We came home feeling full and so loved by our friends. It is amazing what gathering together and laughing can do to lift your spirits. All in all I've got to say it. I love our friends and I loved our day off.

1 comment:

Steve Wanless said...

I love Iron Chef America too!!!! Trena