Sunday, February 17, 2008

What a week.....

I can't believe it has been a week since I have blogged. It was one of those weeks that just seemed to fly by. So much happened, yet now I can hardly remember what did happen. It seems like every night something was going on and by the time I got home it was way past my bed time. Here is a short review of life, and then once again, it is my bedtime. Eight am comes early.

The week started out with Lisa, (Josh's 21 year old sister) being put into hospital for her diabetes:< Then Valentines day hit, and Josh surprised me with hand wrapped (by himself) chocolates at first light. Then it was on to public prayer services, trying to figure out details for the DTS, and then of course figuring out taxes in two countries. Oh and then, it was my brother Chris's B-day. Chris, happy birthday...sorry I haven’t gotten to call you yet. I really want too chat! Life has been a bit crazy!

Today, was much like the week - full of activity. After a walk of the beach, Josh and I parted ways. I picked up Julia (our cousin) and off we went to entertain Lisa at hospital. Then we had a coffee with Auntie Liz and Uncle Phil, and finally the day finished with a welcome dinner for Graeme and Sabrina Walsh. Graeme and Sabrina, we are glad you are here - we will take you with open arms until God sends you elsewhere.

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