Monday, November 12, 2007

It's Official

Yes! Finally, after a long wait, i receved my passport back in the mail today from NZ immagration. I am officially a Perminent Resident of New Zealand, and have a nice big blue sticker in my passport to prove it. It's a true relief after a long wait, a lot of paper work, hours on the phone, money, and just plain stress. Let me tell's a pretty sight.

This has been a huge week so far, Josh and I both have a lot on, we have come back from our few day retreat and hit the ground running! Josh is teaching on the THOP internship this week, along with meeting with various people, and doing a whole bunch of communication wraping up Fiji. I've been flat out at work for the last two days with our plate full at the Urban Lounge right now.

And I just have to say again, I feel to refreashed after our few day break up north in the Bay of Islands. I would recommend anyone to go there, it's a true treasure on earth. Was great to see Anna and Nika and Matt and Korah too.

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