Monday, September 24, 2007

Moving on to Suva...

Well Josh is back home now, it's so good to see him after nearly 2 weeks. He'll be back in NZ for a week before heading over to Fiji for the final two weeks of the IWT campaigns.

Josh took me out for dinner last night to one of our favourties restaurants in town, it's so good to have my hubby home!

The tour finished up in the West having an amazing impact on all the towns and cities that we went to. In Lautoka over 21,000 people heard the gospel and almost 2,000 responded, along with many healings. In Ba, almost 10,000 heard the goepel and about 1,000 responded to Christ. Almost 10,000 people have made committments to follow Jesus so far, and we're only half way through the tour.

Who knows what the long term implications of this tour will be on Fiji.

So on Sunday all the teams rolled out and moved onto Suva, the capital of Fiji. The city has a population of about 300,000 to 400,000 people, depending on who you talk to. We have broken the city down into three regions to reach the maximum amount of people possible. Alongside the main events we'll have teams preaching the gospel all over the city in schools, prisons and anywhere they can.

1 comment:

ariki said...'re lovely....gonna come down soon, not sure if this side of the weekend or the other, but definately catch ups in order! You guys are doing so well and we are so encouraged by everything happening. Love you all xx